wheen and axle scales

Semi-Truck Freight Scale

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Freight Terminal Scales Description

Semi-truck freight weighing scales provide accurate vehicle weight measurements at entry points, exit points, and other common weighing areas within a facility. Freight truck scales provide increased loading and offloading efficiency, eliminating entry point and exit point bottlenecks by replacing large, in-ground, stationary static scales and integrating weight information into existing vehicle transactions.

At Intercomp, we manufacture Portable, In-Ground, and Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) based semi-truck freight weighing scales that are reliable, efficient, and easy to operate. If you have specific questions regarding our Portable, In-Ground, WIM scale options get in touch with us for more information and we will gladly answer any questions you have regarding your specific freight scale requirements.

Semi-Truck Freight Scale Advantages

When it comes to freight commerce efficiency, Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) from Intercomp provide many beneficial qualities for use at Freight Terminals. Our digital semi-truck freight weighing scales are built to provide accurate weight results and efficiencies that make pickups and deliveries simple and cost-effective. Additional semi-truck freight scale advantages include:
  • Weigh-In-Motion - Allows traffic to keep moving, which expedites the weighing process.
  • Inventory Monitoring & Management – Terminal and WIM Scales provide accurate weight results for semi-trucks entering and exiting a facility, allowing for increased inventory monitoring and management capabilities.
  • Cost Savings – By providing accurate weights at both entry and exit points, Freight Truck Scales calculate product weight received or unloaded.

Freight Truck Scale Options

Intercomp’s semi-truck freight scales are built to the industry’s highest quality standards. We provide a broad range of platform sizes and capacities to meet your specific freight weighing requirements. No matter the size of your facility, Intercomp provides multiple technologically advanced semi-truck freight weighing scales that produce accurate results.

Get in touch with our sales team to determine which one of our  weighing solutions is the best option  for your business. 

Weigh-In-Motion Strip Sensors for Freight Terminals

Typical Sensor Configurations for Freight Terminals

Strip-Sensors-6-inline Strip-Sensors-8-inline


Intercomp’s strain gauge-based Strip Sensors are an effective alternative to traditional static truck scales, especially at sites that require higher minimum vehicle speeds or when significant space limitations exist.  Strip Sensors allow for increased throughput for high-traffic applications, and provide reduced installation and operation cost when compared to alternative scale systems
  • OIML R134 Weigh-In-Motion Certified for Accuracy
  • Constructed Using Strain Gauge Load Cells in Sealed Enclosure
  • Accurate weight results up to high speeds
  • Used for Weight Compliance, Inventory Tracking, Ports and Other High-Traffic Applications
  • Use to Address SOLAS Verified Gross Mass Container Requirements
  • Cost effective & Easy to Maintain
LS-WIM® Low Speed Scale

Strip Sensors

LS630-WIM™ Portable Freight Terminal Scales

portable weigh in motion truck scales

Portable WIM is a hybrid system that brings together our experience in both WIM technology and our long history of developing innovative portable truck scales. Our WIM portable scales are ideal for lower traffic facilities that may have entrance and exit points that regularly change. When compared with in-ground traditional static scales, our Portable WIM Freight Terminal Scales have a lower upfront cost of ownership and lower operational costs.
  • System includes two scales, roll-up ramps and indicator
  • Portable WIM Scales can operate in dynamic or static mode
  • Deployable in less than 15 minutes
  • Capture individual axle and total vehicle weight
  • 2-3% dynamic accuracy, ±0.5% static accuracy
  • Push-button conversion to static mode
  • RFX® Wireless Weighing with cable backup
  • 60,000 lb (30,000 kg) individual axle capacity
LS630-WIM™ Low Speed Portable WIM Scale

LS630-WIM™ Low Speed Portable WIM Scale

LS-WIM® Weigh-In-Motion Freight Terminal Scales

In Ground weigh in motion truck scale

Intercomp’s in-ground WIM systems track and display individual axle weights in addition to gross vehicle weight (GVW). With a full-length truck scale, this data is hard to collect. Since the truck doesn’t have to come to a complete stop for accurate weighing, traffic is able to keep moving increasing efficiency and decreasing costs. The smaller weighbridge of the WIM system also requires less effort and time to install and maintain when compared to full-length, static truck scales.

Capture vehicle weight dynamically at a permanent facility:
  • Small installation and operational footprint compared to full-length truck scale
  • 1-2% dynamic accuracy at low speeds
  • Static Accuracy ±0.1%
  • Available as components or can operate as standalone system
  • Integration into existing gate systems, if applicable
  • Capture individual axle and total vehicle weights
  • Available in capacities up to 100,000 lb (45,000 kg)
LS-WIM® Low Speed Scale

LS-WIM® Low Speed WIM Scale

Freight Terminal Scales Applications

LS-WIM® Axle Scales for Freight Terminals

LS-WIM® Axle Scales provide increased loading and offloading efficiency, eliminating entry point and exit point bottlenecks by replacing large, in-ground, stationary static scales and integrating weight information into existing vehicle transactions.

Portable Weigh-In-Motion Freight Terminal Scales

Portable WIM scales allow for weighing to be set up wherever they are needed and increase efficiency and throughput of collecting vehicle weights. Due to its portability, certified accuracy, and versatility of operation in WIM and static modes, the LS630-WIM™ Portable Weigh-In-Motion scale system is used worldwide for portable weighing operations.

Resource Library

Publications We have many other published resources including a variety of literature, technical articles, application notes, videos, vehicle scale basics guides, and certification notes.  

Please VISIT OUR RESOURCE LIBRARY to learn more about Axle Scale applications, examples, case studies and specifications.

Freight Terminal Scales Overview

Contact Intercomp for Precision Semi Truck Freight Scales Today

At Intercomp, we offer the most comprehensive line of WIM scales in the industry. Our semi-truck Freight Weighing Scales can quickly and accurately weigh freight trucks without the worry of bottlenecks and getting shortchanged by missing product upon delivery. 

Contact our sales team for further pricing details or for more information regarding our accurate and dependable Semi Truck Freight Scale options. Intercomp is the industry’s most trusted supplier of technologically advanced Freight Terminal and Weigh-In-Motion Freight Truck Scales.

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